Vine Maple Place
Urgent Need
Hello friends,
Moms and kids escaping homeless need healing and new holiday memories. Please share these with your members so that precious local families receive the life-changing hope, healing and peace they so desperately need this holiday season.

Give love to homeless families this holiday season by providing gifts that meet emergency needs, provide warmth and care, and build new family bonds and holiday traditions.
- Surprise a homeless family with a Christmas gift card for Emergency Gas and Food: Help moms get to work, classes, counseling and transport their children to school, tutoring, and doctors’ appointments. Provide $20 gift cards from Fred Meyer or Safeway.
- Provide a family with Emergency Basics: Click here to buy hygiene essentials online for delivery to Vine Maple Place (list also attached).
- Wrap a mom in warmth and love, gift her a New Winter Coat: Click here to purchase a NEW Winter Coat. All adult sizes are needed: S-XXL and plus sizes, 1X-4X. *Most needed are X-XXXL*
- Gift a child with a new, cozy, warm bed: Click here to purchase a bed or bedding online for delivery to Vine Maple Place.
- Choose a Gift with a Purpose: Click here to make a financial donation that will provide a life changing gift for a family at Christmas.
- Host a Giving Tree, Wreath or Holiday Display: Get gift tags from Vine Maple Place, display on a Christmas tree or holiday decor, and encourage members to purchase and return requested gift cards. Contact Lisa O’Leary to sign up. Gift cards from your giving tree are needed by 12/31.
Bless Moms and Kids with Christmas at Home Traditions: Gift holiday activities for families to celebrate together!
Sign up here: 52911238-november#/
- *Last chance* Cozy Christmas Eve – Nothing like a snuggle together! Provide Jesus Storybook Bibles and warm, fuzzy blankets for Christmas Eve storytime together. Needed by 12/15
Bring or ship donations to the Family Hope Center in Maple Valley at: 21730 Dorre Don Way SE, Maple Valley or Kent- 24044 104th Ave. SE (Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm).
If you have any questions, contact me or Lisa O’Leary at or call 425-432-2119 ext. 104.
Blessings to all as we head into the holiday season,
Christy Lane
Engagement and Communications Sr. Manager
425-432-2119 x136 | 253-394-4783 (cell)
P.O. Box 1092, Maple Valley, WA 98038
39 Volunteers Needed for Kids Programs

Now that September has arrived and the Fall schedules are settling in, we need VOLUNTEERS who want to help kids heal and find safety and stability as they work hard to escape from homelessness! Can you share our Volunteer needs with your congregation? I’ve attached a slide for your convenience. More information for volunteer opportunities, days/times, and sign-up can be found at:
Urgent Need: Full Beds

Over 35 families who enter our program each month don’t have beds. When families move into their own apartment, without a bed they’ll sleep on the cold, hard floor. We need your help now to provide NEW rolled-in-box FULL mattresses and NEW in-box FULL Frames, that moms can transport and set up themselves without tools. Can you please share the urgent need with your Congregation? I’ve attached a graphic that can be used as a slide in your service or newsletter. Here’s a URL that can be used in an email or e-newsletter to your church family, along with the included photo and QR code. https://give.vinemapleplace.

Urgent Need: Emergency Gas and Food Cards

Moms escaping homelessness need gas to get to work, classes, counseling, and transport their children to school, doctors’ appointments and tutoring sessions. Help moms put gas in the tank or food on the table for her family. Provide $20 gift cards from Safeway or Fred Meyer.
Can you help in these ways?
- Our moms and kids need emergency gas and food gift cards now. https://give.vinemapleplace.

Job Openings:
Vine Maple Place is serving more homeless families throughout South King County than ever before. As our trusted partner, will you please share the following critical openings with your members, networks, family, friends, and organizations:
Job descriptions are attached and here is a link to our careers page: VMP Jobs Website.
At Vine Maple Place, families receive the care and assistance they need to leave homelessness forever and it only happens because of the community and valuable partners like you.
Bring donations to the Family Hope Center in Maple Valley at: 21730 Dorre Don Way SE, Maple Valley or Kent- 24044 104th Ave. SE (Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
If you have any questions, contact me or Lisa O’Leary at or call 425-432-2119 ext. 104.
Julia Patterson
Community Engagement Director
425-432-2119 x117 | Cell: 206-304-6734
P.O. Box 1092, Maple Valley, WA 98038